Project Management and Communication


Beneficiary: Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Occidentale


The Vamp Up project originated from the proposal submitted to the CEF 2015 call by the Port Authority of Savona and VIO Intermodal Operator spa and approved by the European Commission on July 8, 2016.

The project activities were launched on 31 March 2016, in accordance to the workplan of the Grant Agreement signed on 28/10/2016 between the INEA Agency and the two beneficiaries.

Following the merger between the Port Authorities of Genoa and Savona sanctioned by Decree Law 169/2016, which established the new Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, on 12 September 2017 a first amendment to the Grant Agreement was signed to introduce the change in the coordinating beneficiary.

The reorganization of the new Authority and other complexities that have occurred (changes to the national regulatory context, collapse of the Morandi bridge, fire of the Port Authority's headquarters in Savona) have slowed down the progress of the project and a second amendment to the Grant Agreement, signed on 14 February 2020, established the extension of the project from the original deadline scheduled for 31/07/2019 to 31/10/2020.

As reported in the Action Status Report 2020, as of 31/12/2019 the project reached 17 of the 19 planned milestones, for a technical progress equal to 98% of the overall activity.


Logo Vamp Up 



The Communication Plan of the project was approved on June 30 2017 and since the start of the action, ample visibility was given to the activities and to the EU contribution. Roll-ups, leaflet and multimedia were created, according to a coordinated image, and used at the various events where the Vamp Up project was presented. In addition, evidence was given to the support of the EU on the construction site signs.

19 settembre 2016

On 19 September 2016 the kick-off meeting project was held in Vado Ligure, in the presence of the coordinator of the Rhine Alpine corridor Pawel Wojciechowski.
On 15 December 2016, the project was presented to the stakeholders (institutions and port and logistics operators).



vEvento Monaco di Baviera

In 2017, a specific event was organized during the Transport Logistic fair in Munich, and the project was presented at the international conferences "Motorways of the Sea. The Maritime Dimension of TEN -T Network" (Trieste, March 2017) and "Multimodality and Logistics in Ports" (Huelva, December 2017).



evento2ottobre2017 rid

 The central event of Vamp Up's communication activities took place on October 2 2017 in Genoa, at the Port Authority’s premises, Palazzo San Giorgio, where the workshop “Ports, intermodality and logistics in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor" was held, in the presence of the coordinators of corridor Wojciechowski (Rhine-Alpine), Secchi (Atlantic), and Simpson (MoS).



In 2018 and 2019, information was given on the progress of the project during various international events in which the Port Authority participated, including Fast Trade Lane Corridor Conference (Casablanca, January 2018) Fruit Logistica (Berlin, February 2018 and 2019 ); Breakbulk Europe (Bremen, May 2018 and 2019), Transport Logistic (Munich, June 2019) and on the occasion of meetings organized at the headquarters of the Port Authority.


The Vamp Up Project | Project Management and Communication | Activity #1 | Activity #2 | Activity #3 | Activity #4