Provision of shoreside electrical power to ships in the Port of Pra’, Provision of shoreside electrical power to ships in the Port of Pra’
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Provision of shoreside electrical power to ships in the Port of Pra’
Codice opera: PV232
Titolo progetto: Provision of shoreside electrical power to ships in the Port of Pra’
posizione geografica-progetti:
Importo complessivo: €10,262,720.59
Stato di avanzamento generale: Works in progress
Data inizio lavori: 2019-05-02
Data fine lavori: 2021-02-07
, images/Progetti_logo_affidatari/NIDECspa.jpg, ATI NIDEC ASI S.p.A.
Annualità: 2017-01-01
Provision of shoreside electrical power to ships in the Port of Pra’