Ports of Genoa
Environmental services
The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, in line with the administration’s Environmental Policy which pledges full support to the sustainable management and protection of the environment, guarantees ship waste disposal services for all vessels calling at the Ports of Genoa, Pra’, Savona and Vado Ligure.
The specifics of this common user service are outlined in the “Port Reception Facilities for Ship-generated Waste and Cargo Residues Plan” published by the Port Authority in compliance with the decree-law 182/03, which embraces the provisions of the EU Directive 2000/59/CE.
This plan is just one of the tools deployed by the Port Authority to protect the environment and minimise the impact of port activities on the surrounding urban fabric, in the firm conviction that best environmental management practices also provide an added competitive edge to the status of the port in international trade.