The New Masterplan: stakeholder engagement and call for tender for integrated services in urban and engineering planning.
The new Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Masterplans, in accordance with the guidelines contained in both the Italian Strategic Plan for the Port and Supply Chain Industry and in the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Strategic Plan, are used as planning tools strategic to the establishment of a successful port governance process and to the creation of added value for the local community overall.
The elaboration of the new Masterplans takes shape alongside a direct consultation with the shipping industry, local authorities/citizens and the national infrastructure management operators, in recognition of the fact that terms and conditions of sustainable port redevelopment and expansion must be in compliance with the general requirements of the local community. In fact, since July, the Port Authority has scheduled a series of meetings with stakeholders to illustrate the details of the port planning process, with a commitment, should the need arise, to present alternative solutions to port development projects outlined in the forthcoming Masterplan, in response to the feedback received.
An additional important step undertaken towards the implementation of the new Port Masterplans is the publication of the invitation to tender (estimated value a total of euro 1,627,680.00, excluding VAT) for the supply of integrated services in urban and engineering planning, to provide support to the Port Authority in specific areas such as environmental, engineering, economic and urban planning.
The bid submission deadline is 29 September 2022 at 12:00 hrs.
All the documents for the call for tender can be viewed on: https://appalti.portsofgenoa.com/PortaleAppalti