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31 May 2022
1 minute and 1 second of reading time
ART visits the Ports of Genoa

The President of the National Transport Regulation Authority, Nicola Zaccheo, flanked by the Board Directors Carla Roncallo and Francesco Parola and the Secretary General Guido Improta, met in Genoa with Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority President Paolo Emilio Signorini and Secretary General Paolo Piacenza, for a broad discussion on the regulatory and authorisation processes governing the Italian port industry, with a specific focus on Genoa, Italy's leading port, and on the programme of development plans in progress financed across the Recovery and Resilience Facility Complementary Fund.

During the meeting, which provided the executives with the opportunity to strengthen the ongoing collaboration between both Authorities, participants addressed key issues linked to the implementation of the Port of Genoa's ambitious 2.3 billion-euro Mega-Infrastructure Investment Programme, including the core project for the construction of the New Breakwater. Both parties pledged their support to pursue further issues of common interest, comprising an analysis of economic-industrial data on the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure.

The visit confirmed at the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority headquarters is the first on-site inspection scheduled by the Board in one of the nation's leading infrastructure facilities. The Italian Transport Regulation Authority is committed to organising visits at other strategic infrastructure hubs across the country.

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