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06 December 2024
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eBRIDGE: Last-Mile Digitalization for Sustainable Ports
At the eBRIDGE final event, the results of the last-mile rail and road digitization project, integrated into the logistics ecosystem of the Ports of Genoa were presented.

The progress in the digitalization of port area management, a cornerstone for improving operational capacity and the sustainability of last-mile infrastructure, was the focus of the final event of the eBRIDGE project (Emergency and BRoad Information Development for the ports of Genoa), held on December 6, 2024 at the Sala del Capitano in Palazzo San Giorgio, headquarters of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority.

Coordinated by MIT and promoted by AdSP, Digitalog, CIRCLE Spa, HUB Telematica, and Connect, with the participation of RAM Spa, terminal operators, inland terminals, MTOs, and other port system stakeholders such as RFI, the eBRIDGE project has a total value of approximately 12 million euros, 50% of which is funded through Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funds. The primary goal is to enhance both the physical and digital last-mile infrastructure accessing the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado by fostering intermodality and digitalization—key components in creating an integrated, digital, and sustainable ecosystem that interacts with inland areas and other strategic nodes of the North Sea – Rhine – Mediterranean European Corridor. This corridor positions the Ports of Genoa as the natural gateway for Europe to maritime traffic traversing the Mediterranean, including both long-haul and Short Sea Shipping routes.

The eBRIDGE project’s architecture emphasizes strong integration among interventions to be developed by the various public and private components of the port system, focusing on road and rail cycles.

During the event, experts, public authorities, and industry stakeholders presented the project's outcomes, highlighting interoperability models and the benefits achieved through digital tools for managing last-mile road and rail logistics in ports.

Key topics included progress in advanced digitalization for port area management, a fundamental pillar for enhancing operational capacity and infrastructure sustainability. Digital modules and advanced tools for last-mile management in ports were presented, promising to strengthen intermodality and streamline operations connecting with land networks. Additionally, an advanced digital gateway system for ports was showcased, designed to improve information flow and optimize cargo entry and exit procedures.

A focus was placed on the benefits generated by digitalization for the port logistics system, analyzing positive impacts on efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness. Other significant themes included European digitalization initiatives, the new Italian National Logistics Platform, and the FVS ELODIE project, launched in 2022 to digitize processes and data exchange in Italian inland terminals. The event also addressed cloud infrastructure and data security within the framework of the National Strategic Pole (PSN), emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity and NIS2 compliance.

The final event of the eBRIDGE project was organized in collaboration with Circle Group, specializing in the analysis and development of innovative products for digitalization in the port and intermodal logistics sectors and providing international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition topics.

eBRIDGE – stated Paolo Piacenza, Secretary General of AdSP, - “is part of a broader program to finance interventions in the macro-regional logistics area, including improving dematerialized data and document management. It integrates with recent digitalization activities at port gates currently being implemented by the Port Community and the broader plan to enhance the accessibility of the port system, including the Terzo Valico, the Genoa rail node, the new breakwaters in Genoa and Savona, and interventions in port road systems.

Luca Abatello, CEO di Circle Group, commented: “The eBRIDGE project represents a significant opportunity for concrete experimentation with innovations transforming the port sector and for sharing cutting-edge technological solutions. It consolidates the role of the Ports of Genoa as a hub of excellence for logistics and digitalization, with a particular focus on the rail last mile. We are proud to be part of this project and to collaborate on Digital Twin, Simulation, and Shunting Optimization themes, contributing tangible and immediate tools to address the current complexities of rail infrastructure. These immaterial infrastructures aim to deliver better results in terms of sustainability and efficiency, aligned with the strategic plan ‘Connect 4 Agile Growth’.

Daniela Savini of HUB Telematica, declared: “The creation of communication channels, both in road and rail transport, between the port, interports, retroports and logistics nodes is an important achievement. This result enhances and builds on the vast documentary heritage developed by Genoa's port telematics system over twenty years of activity”.

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