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22 March 2021
1 minute and 15 seconds of reading time
Port and Hinterland of Genoa Simplified Logistics Zone takes shape

The President of the Western Liguria Sea Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, the Special Commissioner Marco Bucci and the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, signed a joint declaration requesting, across the establishment of the Steering Committee, the go-ahead to the Simplified Logistics Zone (SLZ), as proposed by the Emergency Genoa Law 130/2018.

The consultation between the Ports of Genoa, the Liguria Region, the City of Genoa, together with the Piedmont, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna Regions and a group of public and private stakeholders, has resulted in the publication of the Strategic Development Plan, which is set to represent the framework for the development and management of the SLZ, and is on track for immediate approval on the part of the Steering Committee.

Simplification and facilitations are the keywords in the Simplified Logistics Zone, with an easing of administrative procedures for businesses interested in locating manufacturing and logistic activities in the extended port area. This government-designated zone would also provide an opportunity for marketing initiatives aimed at the redevelopment of port and urban areas across the provision of high added-value services, innovation and digital transition, and social and environmental sustainability of logistic and manufacturing activities.

The SLZ forms part of the package of emergency measures introduced by central government legislation in response to the tragic collapse of the Morandi Bridge in August 2018, but is ultimately designed to consolidate the Port of Genoa's position as a driving force behind the local economy and, in general, behind supply chain management across the port hinterland.

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