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30 September 2022
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Today 30 September marks the inauguration of the new plant at the Port of Vado Ligure, dedicated to the handling, storage and processing of coffee, operated by Pacorini Silocaf of the Pacorini Group, global leader in green coffee logistics and processing.

To date, the silos ranks as the largest technologically advanced facility of its kind in the world in terms of size and storage capacity - 84 cells for up to 27,000 tons of coffee -, which is shipped into Vado across Reefer Terminal. The facility offers the full range of services to the industry: the green coffee is weighed, sampled, sorted, processed, blended, stored and distributed. In addition, the silos, the result of a successful 20 million-euro redevelopment of an abandoned derelict structure, is cited as a model of best practices in terms of sustainability, designed to reduce sharply gas emissions and energy consumption.

“The new operations put in place by the Pacorini Group is a key element of the development plan of the Vado Ligure port area implemented jointly by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, the Local Council Authorities and the Liguria Region”, declared the Port President Paolo Emilio Signorini, “bringing together port terminal, chain supply and intermodal activities to replace the former local fossil fuel and chemical manufacturing industry. The New Ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure Masterplan is due to be completed in 2023, and is set to consolidate further the role of the Ports of Vado and Savona, together with the inner port area, including Val Bormida, in terms of new logistic management activities and rail, cablecar and road intermodal services.”

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