The US Consul General on an official visit to Palazzo San Giorgio

The US Consul General in Milan, Elizabeth Lee Martinez, accompanied by her staff members, met with the President of the Port Authority, Paolo Emilio Signorini, on 26 March following his return from a trade mission to North America.

The President illustrated the recent developments of the Ports of Genoa, with specific focus on infrastructure projects underway, port security and the advanced IT systems in force.

The discussions held were highly productive, and Paolo Signorini was able to draw on invaluable data acquired during his recent trade mission to the USA, where he had been invited to visit the port facilities of New York and Boston. The topics addressed included the new challenges posed by the introduction of the ULCVs, port-city integration and investments in technological innovation crucial to the future of ports.

The US Consul General on an official visit to Palazzo San Giorgio

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