River defence works along the Segno Creek

Codice opera: P.707
Titolo progetto: River defence works along the Segno Creek aimed at mitigating hydraulic risks
posizione geografica-progetti:
Stato di avanzamento:
Start Works 
End Works 


Importo complessivo: €15,000,000.00
Attività in corso:
  • , Authorisation process completed.
  • Start Date, 1° quarter 2023
  • Completion Date, 1° quarter 2026
Annualità: 2021-01-01

River defence works along the Segno Creek to reduce the risk of flooding in the centre of Vado Ligure. The project foresees the demolition of barriers to the riverflow, the construction of new flood embankments and the restructuring of the riverbed.

(Last refresh date 30.12.2022)