Sunday, 09 February 2025

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Maintenance works

10 March 2022

The construction works at Genoa’s cruise terminal press ahead as jet grouting operations are underway in the final phase of the retrofit and renovation of the Ponte dei Mille western quay wall.

09 March 2022

The expansion of the dedicated truck parking facility adjacent to the Airport has been completed on schedule.

09 February 2022

This morning the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, met with senior local government authorities and members of the Ports of Genoa shipping community in the historic landmark building of Palazzo San Giorgio,...

27 October 2021

The reconstruction of the Calata Zingari quay in Genoa's passenger port is underway. The works are scheduled to be completed by 2022, with the reopening of the dock and the adjacent area catering for cruise...

11 October 2021

The redevelopment of Ponte Parodi is underway, an area at the heart of the far-reaching regeneration plan of the prime site which includes Hennebique, the former landmark grain silos of the Port of Genoa, and...

10 September 2021

Technological optimisation of the Vado Ligure rail link safety and signalling systems has been completed.

30 July 2021

Today, 30 July, the local authorities signed the Port of Savona-Vado Ligure Masterplan: the signatories featured the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, President of the Province of Savona...

14 July 2021

Port Authority presses ahead with the Genoa Investment Programme: publication of calls for tenders for 5 major infrastructure works. Over 150 million euros committed since 2021

Ports of Genoa

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