The “Ex Barche Porta”, three derelict ships which had been abandoned in the port, have been successfully demolished by Genoa’s San Giorgio del Porto shipyard, a model for best practices for safe and...
The Local Planning Board has given the go-ahead to the project plan variation submitted by the Port Authority for the construction of Genoa’s New Breakwater. The revised layout has been designed to ensure the...
Refurbishment works are soon to be completed at Ponte Eritrea, the final phase of the extensive plan underway to upgrade and retrofit the quaywalls in Genoa’s Sampierdarena freight handling area and...
The construction of the new 3-lane viaduct, connecting the Genova-Pra’ motorway exit directly to the container terminal facility, has been completed and is set to improve intermodal mobility at the Port of...
The range of roadworks in progress across the Genoa-Sampierdarena port basin, to improve overall heavy goods vehicle accessibility to the terminal facilities, are near completion. The 167-million euro...
Two cities with an age-long seafaring tradition meet to share examples of best-practice and know-how in port activities. A delegation of the Port of Kobe-Osaka, led by the President Kido Takfumi, visited the...
The 2024 edition of the Italian Port Days in Genoa and Savona-Vado, coordinated by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, provided organised groups of children with the opportunity to explore a myriad of...
The Palacrociere Cruise Terminal provided the backdrop to the Signing Ceremony of the MoU for the construction of a maritime railway station and the upgrading of the rail link between Savona Parco Doria...
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