

Since 2006, campaigns have been conducted regularly to measure the concentration of pollutants in the air, such as nitrogen oxides (Nox, No, No2), sulphur dioxide (So2) and particulate matter (PM10), in order to identify and quantify the main sources of pollution, plan measures to reduce emissions and develop forecast models instrumental to studying scenarios of evolutionary trends to support urban planning activities.

Within this framework, the Harbour Master, together with ARPAL, also monitors ferries’ carbon emissions.

In addition to the monitoring activities carried out by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, the Liguria Regional Council has signed a Planning Agreement with the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Protection, based upon air quality improvement measures.

This agreement calls for the employment of an E2Port model for the detailed assessment of emissions in the port area and of the potential reduction of emissions through efficient solutions on ships (engines and fuels) and on land (connection to the electricity grid), as well as for monitoring the effectiveness of emission reduction measures.

The Port Authority participates in working groups comprising major public authorities involved in environmental protection, such as Regional Authorities, the Metropolitan City Council, ARPAL, the Harbour Master, the Local Police and Citizens' Committees.

In addition, in collaboration with the Port Authority, a protocol agreement has been drafted for the Port of Genoa, the Genoa Blue Agreement, by which the signatory passenger shipping lines voluntarily undertake to shift to the use of marine gasoil with a sulphur content not exceeding 0.10% by mass, not only at berth, but in a radius up to 12 miles from the Port of Genoa.




Noise pollution is monitored by Ingenia S.r.l., a spin-off of the University of Genoa, and is currently underway through the use of monitoring devices located in critical sites.

The Port Authority participates in working groups comprising the main authorities involved in these activities, such as the Regional Authorities, the Metropolitan City Council, ARPAL, the Harbour Master, the Local Police and Citizens' Environmental Committees.

Across the European project Rumble, three class I sound level meters were purchased in 2019 to monitor the levels of noise emissions generated by port operations along the southern shore of the calm-water channel in Genoa Prà, both before and after the construction of the artificial dune which functions as a visual screen and noise barrier.