Petrolig S.R.L. - ENI S.P.A.

Calata Canzio - 16126 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel. +39 010 265178
Fax +39 010 255952

ENI S.p.A. - sede di Genova
Piazza della Vittoria, 1 - 16121 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel. +39 010 5771
Fax +39 010 24645

The company provides bunker services in the Port of Genoa.The quay is equipped for the simultaneous loading of four lighters or the simultaneous discharging of vessels up to 180 m and the loading of two lighters.

LOCATION Calata Canzio Calata Oli Minerali
AREA 22,000 sqm 22,000 sqm
QUAY 300 m 300 m
DEPTH 9 m 9 m
EQUIPMENT Total capacity 80,000 m3.
10 tanks for fuel and gas oil
4 tanks for lubricating oil
Total capacity
42,000 m3
10 tanks
RAIL LINK  -  300 m