Port Authority Masterplan
The 2016 Decree-Law n.169 passed a range of new key elements to Italian port planning best practices. The decree was bolstered by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport across the publication of “Guidance on the Development of Port Authority Masterplans”, dated 8 June 2017.
The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Masterplan (PRP) outlines and addresses development issues in Genoa, Pra’, Savona and Vado Ligure, henceforth viewed as integrated port-logistic hubs embracing major inland dryports and inland terminals, in addition to the national road and rail networks. The Masterplan is elaborated in compliance with the recommendations of the National Coordination Office of Port Authorities, based upon the specific characteristics and mission of each individual port cluster, which are identified according to an analysis of the market requirements of the country.

The strategic guidelines and provisions set forth in the new Masterplan of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, now underway, derive from an analyses of the current planning status of both Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado, and from a joint study of the requirements and objectives to be achieved in specific macro-areas. It is important that the development strategies meet immediate operational demands, whilst at the same time responding to market requirements in the medium-long term to fulfil the Port Authority vision for the future growth and expansion of the port cluster and the upgrading of new infrastructure to serve overall the national chain supply industry.
The strategic guidelines of the Port Authority Masterplan
- Improved accessibility, primarily by sea and by land in terms of new infrastructure, but also in terms of greater forms of integration between the waterfront and the urban fabric;
- Innovation, with a strong focus on the rationalisation and acceleration of port community data exchange to streamline procedures and reduce paperwork;
- Greater flexibility, as ports operate in a dynamic world and it is important that they can adapt to changing patterns of demand;
- Goal-sharing, both in the preparation of the plan and in the release and use of public land, with specific reference to the city-port threshold.