Quality Control
Air Quality Control
The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, together with the Harbour Masters, have recently renewed the Genoa Blue Agreement and stipulated the Savona-Vado Blue Agreement, voluntary agreements designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from passenger and freight ships calling at the Ports of Genoa and Savona Vado Ligure. The major cruise, ferry and cargo carrier lines have pledged to shifting to the use of marine gasoil with a sulphur content not exceeding 0.1% by mass in a radius of up to 3 nautical miles (5 km) from the port.
In addition, the Port Authority works closely with ARPAL, the Liguria Region Environment Agency, in its capacity as main partner of the Interreg project Aer Nostrum, with the objective of preserving and improving the quality of the air in the residential areas which sit alongside the ports. The project, completed in April 2023, provided the port authorities, carriers harbour masters and policy-makers with a tool in support of innovative decision-making, applied specifically to port areas.

Air Mitigation Measures
To reduce the impact generated by port activities in terms of air pollution, the Western Liguria Sea Port Authority has implemented a dedicated investment programme:
- The installation of on-shore power supply facilities which equip ships docking at the port with the option of switching off their generators and connecting to the electrical power grid, thereby reducing both air and noise pollution;
- The widespread installation of solar panels to generate electricity;
- Sviluppo di un sistema di autoproduzione di energia elettrica da fotovoltaico.
- A reduction in the use of fossil fuels and the implementation of feasibility studies on the development of alternative fuels;
- The replacement of company fossil fuel vehicles with electric vehicles;
- A review of road port traffic management and the digitalization of the port gates to ease simultaneously both inner port and urban traffic congestion.