La tutela dell'ambiente
Sustainability Report
The Port Authority of the Western Liguria Sea governs Italy’s premier port cluster and generates a wide-ranging economic impact across a vast territory. Consequently, the strategies and action plan of the Port Authority are designed to boost the positive repercussions on port activities and to reconcile the competitiveness of the port with the requirements of local urban redevelopment, economic growth and protection of the environment.
The strategic guidelines of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority point forcefully towards a Green future for the Ports of Genoa – a sustainable, resilient, low-emission port. This means promoting economic development, whilst simultaneously striking a balance with environmental protection and an improved quality of life for the local community.

Within this framework, the Port Authority published in 2022 the first edition of the Ports of Genoa Sustainability Report to outline the roadmap and highlight our firm commitment towards a detailed analysis and assessment of our overall performance in terms of sustainability and corporate social responsibility.