Ports of Genoa Marinas
The Ligurian Ports have successfully capitalised upon their age-long seafaring tradition as a destination for sailing enthusiasts. From the sheer rocks plunging into crystal-clear water to the string of historical towns and tiny pastel-coloured hamlets dotted along the shore, the Italian Riviera offers a spectacular coastline and a mild climate throughout the year which make Genoa and Savona perfect ports of call for leisure sailing.
With the expansion of coastal and marine tourism, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, together with other local public administrations, is firmly committed to upgrading the infrastructure and services offered to those dedicated to leisure sailing. Namely, Genoa is the focal point of an extensive sustainable waterfront redevelopment programme for the Levante port area which is phasing in the creation of a new vibrant urban space, in part dedicated to yachting and marina services, for residents and tourists alike. Whilst in Savona a joint roadmap is leading the way towards the publication of a visionary Masterplan designed to transform the waterfront eastwards from the Tower of Savona to the Artists' Promenande of Albissola Marina to achieve a successful integration with the port functions of the area.
The Genoa, Pra’, Savona and Vado coastline features a selection of marinas offering berthing facilities and shoreside amenities for all classes of yachts, sailboats and pleasure vessels.